Category: League News & Galleries

BIIH Week #15 – A Political Shitshow

Welcome back BIIHers and fans around the world, it’s more than halfway through the BIIH 2024/25 season and once again, the actual hockey takes a backseat to the true drama unfolding: political intrigue. But let’s be clear: nobody cares about who won or lost, those of us with a shred of dignity know that the […]

BIIH Week #14 – New Year, Same Chaos

Happy New Year, BIIHers and fans around the world! I hope you all left the flaming dumpster fire of 2024 in the rearview and came sliding into 2025 with sharp skates and even sharper chirps. It’s the second half of the BIIH season, and I, your trusty All-Seeing Puck, am back to hold up the […]

BIIH Week #13 – Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals

It’s the holidays, and your favorite BIIHers are doing what they do best: disappearing faster than a forward on a backcheck. Some are heading home to remind their families they exist (and that they still haven’t made any better life choices), others are hitting the beach to give their “all-star” beer league bodies a much-needed […]

BIIH Week #12 – Cause We All Just Wanna Be Big Rockstars

Welcome home, BIIHers and fans from all corners of the globe! The weekend was nothing short of a legendary tour stop, and this past Saturday, the BIIHers proved once again why they are the rockstars of beer league hockey. It all went down at Tribute, where the stage was set for the show of the […]

BIIH Week #11 – The All Seeing Puck’s Fantasy Draft

Alright, BIIHers and fans around the world (all four of you who aren’t dating a player or bribed with free beer), welcome back for more BIIH related content. Sunday night’s games were… well, fine. But let’s be clear, The All-Seeing Puck doesn’t give a shit about your goals, assists, or how the refs have it […]

BIIH Week #10 – You’ve Got a Pizza My Heart

Welcome back BIIHers and fans around the world! Sunday night served up to be a special one as our very own owner of BIIH’s favourite internet cafe—oh wait, I mean pizza place—Asher, played his 100th game with the Hot Wings! Beer league hockey is like ordering pineapple on pizza: chaotic, divisive, and weirdly satisfying. For […]

BIIH Week #9 – The All Seeing Eye of the Tiger

*Highly recommended to play “Eye of the Tiger” while reading Ding ding! Welcome back to the rink BIIHers and fans across the world to another Sunday night where every washed-up “champ” in the BIIH laced up their skates, pulled on their jerseys with faded glory, and stepped onto the ice to do battle like they […]

BIIH Week # 8 – Hairy Upper Lips and Hat Tricks

Alright BIIHers and fans around the world, I moustache you a question…are you excited for the Annual Movember Party? It’s Movember Madness and not only is BIIH the best beer league in the world, we throw one hell of a party. November 30, 2024, we’ve got beers, babes, guest appearances, and the Bullpen prepared to […]

BIIH Week #7 – Law & Order Special BIIH Unit

Welcome back BIIHers and fans across the world. The best beer league in the world wrapped up October with a weekend so sick, it was criminal. In an unlawful assembly of debauchery, BIIHers took to the streets of Beijing for the annual Halloween pub crawl Saturday night then dragged themselves to Aozhong Sunday night. I […]